Monday, August 30, 2010

The fence came down

This doesn't really show the fence so much, but you can see at least part of the combination of snow fence, chain link and latice (among other things) that we put up for a temporary barrier to keep the dogs off of where we needed to put grass in the back yard. 

    Since building the shop, we've had nothing but barren ground (like you see to the left of the tree below) and a few weeks.  Nothing to keep the soil from washing down into our brick and covering about a foot or two along the edge. 

You can see here - my hostas aren't doing so good this year either - none of my flowers / plants seem to be doing so well this year.

We finally took the fence down and the dogs weren't sure what they could do, but they loved running, playing and just plain rolling on it!  There still is some areas that will need some patching, but hopefully it will work out.


  1. Wait, I don't know if I remember seeing a fence in that area of the picture. I thought you were talking about the fence lining the driveway. Do you have any pictures of when the fence was there?

  2. Mikey thought the same thing - guess I don't have much for pictures of the fence. It was actually quite an embarrasing looking fence - I'll keep looking though - I know I took some other pictures.

  3. Okay, now I see part of the fence. I will try and picture in my head, but if you have any other pictures, feel free to post them.
